Looking to get schooled on Dreamcast, but don't have the patience for Wikipedia? Well let's be thankful that our friends on YouTube are more studious! Here is a "crash course" in all things Dreamcast that will keep you entertained for minutes! Will Lu from TheGameStation covers the hardware and history in a quick overview, while PlayValue and G4 follow up with a more in-depth look at Sega's dearly beloved swan song. I've also included that famous 9.9.99 advert with the matrix-ninja chick stealing a Dreamcast prototype. (Good times!) Alright, time to party like it's 1999.., again...
1. Will Lu covers the hardware & history
2. Playvalue does a humerous Dreamcast retrospective
3-5. G4 Icons provides an in-depth look at Dreamcast's history
6. Video Games with James with another Dreamcast history
7. GameSack takes a look at the games
8. Original 1999 Dreamcast Commerical "The Thief"
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