December 31, 2012

Dreamcast Podcast Episodes

Gotta get that Dreamcast fix on your morning commute? Here are three great episodes that are sure to please! Join Famicom Dojo, Sega Addicts and Retronauts as they bring back memories of the days when gaming consoles were all about playing games! (Sorry, no DVD player included) Ahhh, simpler times...

♫ Famicom Dojo: Episode 5 – Final Days
The guys at Famicom Dojo discuss the Dreamcast's final days and speculate on what a new Sega console would be like

♫ Sega Addicts: Episode 92 – First Party Games
The guys at Sega Addicts discuss a handful of major first party Dreamcast titles that should not be missed

♫ Retronauts: PAX '08 Special
Retronauts go to PAX '08 and discuss one of the group's favorite consoles, the Sega Dreamcast

♫ Sega Fun Club: Episode 3 – Dreamcast Memories
Sega Fun Club shares fond memories of Dreamcast

♫ Fantasic Neighborhood: Episode 30 – Dream Train (28:30)
Fantastic Neighborhood discuss their Dreamcast experiences

♫ RetrowareTV: Episode 7 – Dreamcast, Was It Really Thinking?
Looking back at the Dreamcast over a decade later

NOTICE! If you enjoy these podcasts, please support the creators by subscribing to them.

Sega Dreamcast "Crash Course" Playlist

Oh, the joy of buying a Dreamcast on launch day! If this was you, then you remember what a truly great console launch looked like. You remember the great lineup of games available day one. You remember the countless days, weeks or even months spent playing Soul Calibur! Okay, maybe you held out for a PS2 so you could enjoy playing... Fantavision. tsk-tsk :(

Looking to get schooled on Dreamcast, but don't have the patience for Wikipedia? Well let's be thankful that our friends on YouTube are more studious! Here is a "crash course" in all things Dreamcast that will keep you entertained for minutes! Will Lu from TheGameStation covers the hardware and history in a quick overview, while PlayValue and G4 follow up with a more in-depth look at Sega's dearly beloved swan song. I've also included that famous 9.9.99 advert with the matrix-ninja chick stealing a Dreamcast prototype. (Good times!) Alright, time to party like it's 1999.., again...

1. Will Lu covers the hardware & history
2. Playvalue does a humerous Dreamcast retrospective
3-5. G4 Icons provides an in-depth look at Dreamcast's history
6. Video Games with James with another Dreamcast history
7. GameSack takes a look at the games
8. Original 1999 Dreamcast Commerical "The Thief"

NOTICE! If you enjoy these videos, please support the creators by subscribing to their channels.